Nat the S**T here.
So how's everything my dearies? Has it been alright with life? Is life sucking your balls?
About the shirt, Adlina has come up with a ROUGH design of how it's gonna be.

I'm gonna post it up here, so if you have any suggestions to make to, you know, improve it, tag the "discussion board" abuvv. Like, eg. I want the white thingy below the word MASQUE to be in italics!
Okay, I don't need to teach you that, right. Just be sure to be specific so we know what you're talking about. And please be quick with your suggestions and stuff cause we want this shirt PDQ.
OK, moving on , MAD3!
I'm not really sure where or when.
But quite tentatively, it'll be on the Thursday of our March hols (:
Let us know who's not coming.
(I'm sorry Dini :((( I feel really bad to not have you around. We still love you though.)
And the venue!
We can still have it on the Marina Barrage, but some of us had their suggestions, like:
1) To go to that pretty meadow we saw on our bus-ride (MAD2).
2) Outside Christchurch Sec, there's this really awesome place that the Student Councillors went to to take extremely beautiful shots. You can ask Alyssa yourself ;D
3) I dunno. Post your other suggestions here.
Please vote.
OK, haha. DUNN.
I love you all.