(check out my post title) whoo!HELLO!
Just like Geraldine, don't ask me why I prefer blogging here. I think it's nicer, somehow :D
Date today (minus darsh and jaya) was great but could've been better with the presence of the other two. Nevermind. After MYEs, all of us shall go to Botanical Gardens. HAHA! Yesyes. & let's hope it doesn't rain then. Wheeee!
I shall post up the professionally taken photo of Nurul now.

Let's practice History; based on the picture above taken by Alyssa.
P- Alyssa is a good photographer.
E- The picture was taken randomly.
E- As it was hard for her to snap photographs of people having their meals since they were moving about so much, she decided to let her hands do the work. She knew that if she kept her hand still, the person she initially wanted to snap a picture of would have been out of the picture.
L- Therefore, alyssa has good photography skills as she does not have to stand still or keep her hands positioned at one spot before taking a good picture.
YAY! History on Monday and I KNOW you guys can do it(:
"Let History Be History"- Dini.
Cheh cheh, like some philosopher eh?
Btw people, I do not, let me repeat, do not tell the lamest jokes because I tell the most lamest(est) jokes. Am I cool or what? I know you'll say what but guess what (hah! what again!), there's no such answer. YAY!
I shall make a move now. Mugging soon yo!
Have fun mugging because we just have 2-3 more papers. JIAYOU!
codedseven.(james bond!) bondAlyssajames. ;DDDD