I. need to. stop. tearing. listening. to. the. song. nurul. posted. earlier. Sorry sorry.Ok. Anyway, masque, whatever happens, WE must stay strong and keep this bond that we have. It's difficult to find 11 people who have so much bond with each other while sharing this love for the ARTS. I know all of you here are good at something in arts be it, dancing, singing, drawing, acting, designing etc. So please, no matter what, I hope masque WILL remain as masque okay?? I know, one day, everyone will have to chase their dreams which means we will not be physically together but mentally, and deeeeeeep in our hearts, we're still as one. Masque, I love you. I love each and every single one of you and I mean it from the bottomest of the bottomest of my heart. Believe that we'll stay strong together cos then your mind will keep that and we very well will stay strong together. I. LOVE. YOU. PEOPLE. I. REALLY. DO. Psst.. Ger, I need to know when you're starting work. Is it this thurs?? Tell me okay?? ;DD
Since I'm already here, I'm going to have some dedication time to each of you.
Starting from #1.
I got to say, I really do miss our study dates when both of us will talk like there's no tmr. Though we are so caught up with our own stuff, I hope we'll be like that again one day. I'm sorry those planned couldn't work out. Sorry!Anyway, to me, you're one great chairperson. Really. Don't underestimate yourself dear. Don't. I clearly remember seeing you running around the other day to help do admin stuff. You were perspiring so much. Which clearly shows, you definitely deserve the position as you really work hard for it. & I know you've got the potential. I would like to thank you for always being there to help me. You're really caring yknow that? Thank you, Dini. I love you.#2.
You always lend me a listening ear. Thank you for tolerating all my rantings and nonsense. I'm sorry for the times I think too much about myself and not listen to you for example [yknow-what]. I'm really sorry you had to go through all that just because I was "in my own world". I remember once you said, "you're so busy now that we don't talk much anymore". That day, I ran to my room and broke down. I thought and think that commitments made me that way. I'm sorry and I've learnt from that. & I'm proud to say that, now, I'm cherishing every momeny we have together. Nurul, I'm inspired by how you pick yourself up quickly after a fall. You move on and not look back. It's really amazing. Thank you, dear. I love you. [ this malay show is playing and it keeps saying "alyssa. alyssa". freaky! ] Ok. Moving on.#3.
Dear prince charming, why is it that I never knew you much much earlier? [like what emmy said] Gosh! Ok. Well, I'm sorry for the times you had to calm me down and run away from my sadding and for being so stubborn to fall for things at this age. You're always there for me, by my side [like how i made you run to the g.o. with me ytd. hehe. sorry] and how you always try to make sure I'm alright. I'm also truly sorry for being ignorant towards feelings like sometime back cos I know how you feel now. My dear, although sometimes people may say you have an attitude but the thing is I love you the way you are. 'cos that's who YOU are. Thank you for all the times I've spent with you. Our KAP date is still fresh in my mind and let's hope we'll have another one of those dates again okay? I love you, addie. [ we da cool couple yo! ] Haha. #4. Jayasree
You pretty pretty person. Well, I'm sorry for anything that I've done that might have hurt you in one way or another. Jaya, you crack me up and your "kanchiong-ness" can really come in handy at times. & I'm serious at saying you should be a model cos seriously, you're really pretty and have such gorgeous eyes. What's more, you can do that wonderful bollywood dance so perfectly! So cool la. I want to see it again! haha. Hey, thanks for doing the silly silly things with me and well, be embarassed with me. You go jaya! haha. Thank youuuuu. I love you! #5. Darsheni
You're another one who cracks me up everytime. We can be slow partners yknow cos you're sotong and I'm just naturally slow! ;D But, I'm really sorry if you feel hurt by us calling you sotong. Don't take it to the heart okay? Anw, thanks for always being there to crack me up when I'm down or when I feel stress. You always keep telling me to move on and yes ma'am, I'll move on. 'cos if I look back, there's no use anymore right? Yeah! Oh & maybe one day, I can crash your pink room and sleep there all day. hehe. It's neat + pink which = awesome. Unlike mine yknow, messy messy. Tsk. So anyway darsh, thanks for being a really caring friend. I love you.
Remember this pic which we fell in love with? haha.You hottie, I'm sorry for the times I make you wait for me at je. I'm sorry for the times I annoy you with my silly/stupid antics. I'm sorry for being such an embarrasement to you in public. I'm sorry for the times I make you pissed or smth. I'm sorry! & I really mean it. But girlfriend, I also need to thank you for everything you've done. & I love to see you smile and go high. Since the very beggining that I met you [the first in crescent to be exact huh? ((:], I actually thought of us being the best of friends one day. Thank you for making that come true. You always gave me that strength to move on. You taught me how to persevere. As for now, I hope you'll push all your insecurities away. Maybe one day you'll find your prince charming and let me tell you, so many guys out there will run after you and don't choose out of peer pressure, follow your heart. And also, you're really talented and smart. Don't feel so pressurized okay? Cos I know, and I know it well, that you'll succeed in your studies. You'll go far my dear. You will. Believe in yourself. You're special in your own way. I love you, ger! [ our date date date okay?? xD ]#7. I love me ;D#8. Natasha
Well, first and foremost, sorry if you felt that I over-reacted. I guess now, we all have accepted one another for who they are. Natasha, thanks for the time you went go goo-goo-gaa-gaa over panas ehempeopleehem with me and not leave me alone to go crazy. & I remembered our vivo trip where we went to bombard the pink and oh-so-girly section. It was fun aye?? Maybe one day you should tell me the whole twillight story yknow yknow cos if you ever ask me to read such a thick book, even if I try my very best, I'll take at least 3 months. Booooo): By then sec two will come and studies; intensive revision and such. Btw, I'm trying to get *so and so* to give me THE email. I'm trying okay?? ;D I felt upset myself cos I couldn't attend my last french lesson. Oh well... nvrm. If there's a will, there's a way! So, I'll try my best okay?? I love you nat! #9. Emira
Pout all you can girl cos no one's gonna stop you((: Emmy! I'm sorry for being so bad in English. I know it can be really annoying to hear me speak sometimes with singlish here and there but I hope to have such a wide range of vocabulary like you one day. It'll be awesome I tell you. & thank you so very much for always being there for me. My dear, you simply rock. I love to hear the quotes you tell us which just keeps me motivated to move on. Thank you for sharing with us all the awesome stories and of course, sssslllllllaaaaasssssshhhhhh. Although I may not read it but girl, you got talent mann! You'll be successful. Yes you will. With such superb English, I'll just send you to Europe straight away for a business trip if I were your boss. The clients will definitely be amazed. Keep up that positive attitude cos it will bring you far. It will. Emmy, I love you((:#10. Niveetha
Handsome;D You! I want to say sorry for making you visit the lady at causeway so many times. Sorry for the hassle yea? & of course, sorry for annoying you. I know you feel like slapping me sometimes for being either really slow or really silly but you maintain the coolness mann. & sorry for being easily jealous the other time when you went with some other people. Sorry! But also many thank you[s] for also reminding me when to calm down and also where to draw the line. You're really a great friend to confide to. You lend me a shoulder to cry on and I got to thank you for that. Niveetha, thanks for everything you've done that had make an impact on my life. Thank you. I love you.
#11. Afiqah
Hey there dear fiqah. I realised, sometimes, I take things for granted just because I know they'll be there for me. For e.g. friends. Well, I think, at times, I feel like I neglect you as a friend but you'll be there for me. But in return, I'm doing such a mean thing. I'm really sorry afiqah. I want to give you a hug now but I can't. I realised that everything can change in an instant. How if we were to go away the very next day and will not see each other anymore? Afee, I'm sorry if you ever feel neglected by anyone of us which includes me. Yes. I must be brave to admit my wrongdoings before it's too late. Masque, what's more afee, if you feel like punching me, I understand. But I'm begging for forgiveness before it's too late. I'm really sorry. But at the same time, thank you for your unconditional care and concern towards me. Yknow, I'm always here if you need me. I'm here afee! I love you, afee. I really do. I LOVE MASQUE!
All pictures courtesy of me. Thank you. Thank you((: hehe.
You guys, I'm sorry for everything I've done wrong. I know I can be really silly and stupid at times so I hope you'll forgive me. I can't say this enough, I love you guys!!!
Love love love
#7. alyssa((: