OHEMGEE. i never thought i would be using blogger again but here i am and i must admit, i miss it. whee.so, hello my gorgeous people. i have decided to blog on this AWESOME blog that GERALDINE has made for US, AWESOME people.just so you know, I, like eveyone else, LOVES GERALDINE [;okay okay. hit it, DJ *Intro for Tokyo Drift comes in, crowd goes crazy*Suka Botak Guys outing. dini cant go, she has a crazy little thing called Chinese Examinations. So its just you and me, bitches. you as in, the other 8 of you, uh.oh talking about digits, i thought afiqah was in Masque? ohh, scandulous.okay.for monday, just remember that,-home clothings must permit you to be able to run around and climb Tembusu trees-maths is gonna be very damn hard so bring tissue paper so we can cry over how we screwed up the paper -adlina really really likes almond/white chocolate donuts-bring mats, you dont want nurulhuda to be talking to ants, i swear you dont -be prepared for the best(and worst) time of your life. muahhaha. you'll know why-if you cannot go, you will be severly dealt with-for those who need to eat, namely, the non-fasting homosapiens, you have to work out whether you guys wanna go and eat at Tanglin mall or something or you wanna have your own lil picnic
and ohh lookie lookie, that us! yay!
yeah. i just felt like doing that.
okay, so i'm off to go and bathe. hee.
byebye people! and good luck for maths!
DJ, you can stop the beat now.